2023 was a year full of learnings for me. Because I took the biggest decision in my life of quitting my 10-year long career without another job offer in my hand. And the reason for it - stress! You will be wondering, seriously? Who doesn't have stress? Where will you get a job without getting stressed? etc. etc.
OK, so anyway I did Quit. And it was a game changer.
Rewind... Couple of months before Aug -
May ending - June.
I had a crazy schedule. My mom had her cataract surgery, and I was held up with my 60-year-old mom and 5-year-old at my sister's place. So, me and my sister we had to cook, clean, put medicines every hour for amma and keep my kid entertained and login and work for 12 hours... And those hospital visits for checkup often. Life was not easy juggling between housework and ofc work those days. It cost me my health and sanity. In those days, my family stood with me and supported me straightaway when I said I am going to quit.
My mom told she will send me money if I run out, my sister started searching jobs for me without wasting a day and my husband cared only about my peace and nothing else. My friend who sat with me all the while and made me click that submit button and all those friends with whom I randomly cried and cried for their casual question about anything and everything. Lucky is just the word for being surrounded by such wonderful family and friends who are so selfless and all ears for the silliest of my questions and problems.
Fast forward... Couple of months after August when I put my resignation -
Days passed, my tears got dried, and I accepted I have to search hard to land a job. Networking is the key. You talk to random people and share resume with all. And one fine day when I was busy with prep for hosting Diwali party...I got a call asking can you give an interview in 2 hours. Dumbstruck me said yes, and I left things midway and started prepping for interview instead. Interview went well and they told will sent offer letter in 2 days right away... The poor soul in me wished, they sent as they said. But no..I had to wait for 2 weeks and attend multiple rounds of interview and a birthday where I got stuck at home anticipating another round of interview and finally when I let go of my anticipation and started applying again, I got my offer letter one evening when I was at the movies with my mom. She is my lucky charm💖 Now I am writing this in the comfort of my office desk where I am currently enjoying the honeymoon period.
Now, for life lessons learnt from 2023...
All quitters are not losers. Sometimes you have to be courageous to let go and start afresh.
Gratitude for all your blessings, you are living a privileged life if you just look around.
Anticipation kills and acceptance makes your life better.
Networking is important, you are indeed a social animal.
Contentment is the key to happiness.
You need those ppl in your life who believes in you even when you don't believe in you. It matters.
Be kind whenever possible (always) and mind your own business, you have no idea what the other person is going through.
Invest in your health, that's the greatest investment you can make.
Embrace the uncertainties and sail through, this too shall pass.
Sailing on to a new year, wishing for healthier and happier days :) Happy 2024 to you and me!
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